When we first began the course, though my art demonstrated significant meaning, I do not feel as though it lacked creativity, and my Midterm was a definite reflection of creativity and expression. I’m not going to post the lyrics here because I think you should hear them from India herself the first time. It does not envy, it does not boast, it is not proud.

And prepare to feel GOOD about life and love. 'I am ready for love / why are you hiding from me / I’d quickly give my freedom / to be held in your captivity.' Ready For Love-India.Arie 'We have a natural compulsion to fill empty spaces.'-Will Short '4 Love is patient, love is kind. If I had to choose two projects to demonstrate my improvement in comprehending techniques, I would choose to compare Quiz 1 with my Midterm. Eb G Gm B Em F Dm A D Am E Fm C Ab Chords for Richard Ashcroft - Check the Meaning with song key, BPM, capo transposer, play along with guitar, piano, ukulele & mandolin. Note: When you play this, switch off everything else, close your eyes and REALLY listen to these lyrics. During Quiz 2, I opted out of using the magic wand tool, and solely used the magnetic lasso tool instead to select the flowers individually. Though I know have a better understanding of how to use both the magic wand and lasso tool, I must admit prior to today, I struggled with using the magic wand tool. Learning how to use the various lasso tools were a major help as well.

Learning that I could control this by increasing or decreasing the selection percentage was extremely helpful when trying to cut certain objects from an image. Prior to taking AE 252, I had tried on numerous occasions to use the magic wand tool on Photoshop CS3, and hadn't quite comprehended how to control the amount of an image that was selected. Looking back at my midterm, I would have to say that my most significant accomplishment would be mastering the usage of the magic wand tool.